Zastosowania inteligentnego szkła PDLC.

Polymer-Dispersed Liquid Crystal (PDLC) smart glass is a type of smart window that uses liquid crystals to control light transmission and reflection. This technology has various applications, especially in the field of light protection. Light Protection: PDLC smart glass can be used to protect against harmful light sources, such as lasers. By adjusting the propagation…

Przechowywanie folii EVA do szkła laminowanego.

When storing EVA film for laminated glass, there are several key considerations to ensure the film retains its quality and can be used effectively when needed. Moisture Sensitivity: EVA films are moisture sensitive when not laminated yet. Therefore, they should be stored in moisture-tight, aluminum-lined packaging or opaque polyethylene bags. The temperature of the storage…

Jaka jest zaleta reakcji chemicznej sieciowania folii eva w zastosowaniu do szkła laminowanego?

The cross-linking chemical reaction of EVA (Ethylene Vinyl Acetate) film in laminated glass offers several advantages. It improves the mechanical properties of the material, enhances durability under harsh conditions, and offers excellent adhesive bonding. EVA is a key material used for traditional solar panel lamination. Once laminated, EVA sheets play an essential role in preventing…

Folia Eva trendu rozwoju szkła laminowanego w dziedzinie okien energooszczędnych.

The development trend of EVA (ethylene-vinyl acetate) film for laminated glass in energy-efficient windows is leaning towards optimizing thermal performance, improving daylight inflow, minimizing energy consumption, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. This is achieved through a combination of advanced technologies, material improvements, and design strategies. The use of EVA interlayer films in laminated glass significantly…