Применение пескоструйной обработки белой пленки ЭВА для изготовления ламинированного стекла.

Sandblasted white EVA film laminated glass represents a sophisticated architectural material that combines aesthetic appeal with practical functionality. This specialized glass product features a unique white translucent appearance achieved through the integration of sandblasted white EVA (Ethylene-Vinyl Acetate) film between glass panels. One of the primary applications lies in architectural design elements, particularly in creating…

Основные характеристики высококачественной пленки EVA

Key Characteristics of Top-Quality EVA Film Optical Properties Minimum 92.1% transmittance Excellent UV resistance (>99%) High cross-linking rate (91.9%) for aging resistance Adhesion Performance Minimum adhesion strength: 75N/cm Strong cohesion properties Consistent bonding across temperature ranges Architectural Applications Clear EVA: Best for solar panels and exterior glazing requiring maximum transparency Milky White: Ideal for diffused…

Основные сведения о высококачественном ламинированном стекле, изготовленном с использованием пленки EVA и обладающем низкой мутностью

Here are the key points about high-quality laminated glass made with EVA film and low haze:   Low Haze Properties:EVA film laminated glass can achieve very low haze levels. One source indicates haze values below 0.3% are achievable. High light transmittance (>92%) combined with low haze (<0.3%) provides excellent optical clarity for laminated glass. This…