Степень матовости многослойного стекла из пленки ЭВА.

EVA (Ethylene-vinyl acetate) interlayer is a polymer film that is used to create laminated glass. It is known for its excellent mechanical, optical, and adhesive properties, making it a popular choice in various industries. EVA interlayer has outstanding optical properties such as haze, clarity, and UV blocking. Haze refers to the light scattering within the…

Почему говорят, что пленка EVA очень экономична для ламинированного стекла?

EVA (Ethylene Vinyl Acetate) film is considered cost-effective for laminated glass due to several reasons: Lower Investment and Operating Cost: Unlike PVB (Polyvinyl Butyral), which requires a clean room with controlled humidity and temperature for the assembly of PVB film in between two pieces of glass, EVA film does not require such conditions. This makes…

Чем отличается процесс ламинирования стекла пленкой ЭВА от ламинирования пленкой ПВБ?

Laminating glass with EVA (Ethylene Vinyl Acetate) film and PVB (Polyvinyl Butyral) film involves different processes due to the properties and characteristics of these two materials. Laminating glass with EVA film is a simpler process than laminating with PVB film. The process can be done in a simple oven, making it less costly to install.…

Хранение пленки ЭВА для многослойного стекла.

When storing EVA film for laminated glass, there are several key considerations to ensure the film retains its quality and can be used effectively when needed. Moisture Sensitivity: EVA films are moisture sensitive when not laminated yet. Therefore, they should be stored in moisture-tight, aluminum-lined packaging or opaque polyethylene bags. The temperature of the storage…

Для баланса УФ-излучения и прозрачности многослойного стекла из пленки ЭВА.

To balance the UV and transparency of EVA film laminated glass, you can consider the following steps: Choose the right type of EVA film: EVA films used for laminated glass come in different variations, including indoor and outdoor types. Indoor EVA films have a lower UV blocking rate and are suitable for use inside buildings.…

Различные варианты применения ламинированного стекла из пленки ЭВА внутри помещений.

EVA film laminated glass has various indoor applications due to its unique properties and manufacturing process. Here are some of the common indoor applications of EVA film laminated glass: Building, window, and door: EVA film laminated glass is widely used in buildings for windows and doors. It provides safety and security by holding the glass…

Как применяется белая пленка EVA для ламинированного стекла?

Ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA) interlayer is a polymer film utilized in the creation of EVA laminated glass. This type of safety glass is composed of two or more layers of glass with an interlayer in between. The interlayer, which can be made in various colors including white, is known for its excellent mechanical, optical, and adhesive…